Crafted Living

Photography Monday: Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Of all of the memorials we have visited over the years in Washington, D.C., the Vietnam Veterans Memorial is by far the most moving and overwhelming.  The simplicity of the design allows you to become completely immersed in the environment so you are able to personally reflect on the lives lost.

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is submerged into the ground so it is one with the earth.

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is submerged into the ground so it is one with the earth.

Polished black granite walls reflect the images of visitors, trees and monuments.

The names are inscribed in the chronological order of their dates of casualty.

The walls effectively act as a sound barrier, but aren’t threatening or enclosing.

The walls stretch into the distance directing you to the Lincoln Memorial and Washington Monument.

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial, also known as The Wall, was dedicated in 1982.  It is one of the most visited memorials in Washington, D.C.  For more information, please visit this site.

Next week, I will share photos of Arlington National Cemetery.


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