Crafted Living

Photography Monday: Denver Botanic Gardens Part II

Every Japanese water garden needs a water source.  The garden’s water element represents serenity and the passing of time.  Plants are used to accent the water and other elements of the garden.

The deep, vibrant color is stunning.

The deep, vibrant color is stunning!

The lone water lily is surrounded by many friendly lily pads.

This water lily is enjoying the pure sunshine of a beautiful summer’s day.

Water lilies are predominantly shades of white, pink and yellow.

The water lilies were showing off the day we visited the Denver Botanic Gardens.  Most of them were facing the edge of the pond begging to be photographed.  Of course, we obliged because we couldn’t resist their beauty.  Next week, I will showcase more of the Denver Botanic Gardens.

It took me time to understand my water lilies. I had planted them for the pleasure of it; I grew them without ever thinking of painting them.  -Claude Monet


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