Crafted Living

Photography Monday: Cruz’n for Roses

Yesterday, my husband and I went out to support the South Pasadena Tournament of Roses Committee by touring the Cruz’n for Roses Hot Rod and Classic Car Show.  A huge fundraiser for the oldest self-built float in the Tournament of Roses Parade.  Over 400 classic cars, hot rods and vintage trailers were on display.  All ages were walking the streets of South Pasadena to view these beauties.  As always, I am more interested in the finishing details than what is under the hood.

A nice touch of red to make the door handle pop.

A nice touch of red to make the door handle pop.

A nice detail that might otherwise be overlooked.

Seen on other cars, but the dice detail is well executed here.

Love this font!

The space age vibe is a spectacular touch for this taillight.

Nice contrast between the car color and this embellishment. Love it!

Stay tuned!  Next week, a few more details to share with you about these fantastic vehicles.


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