Crafted Living

Photography Monday: Arlington National Cemetery

Arlington National Cemetery is a place to honor, remember and explore.  Encompassing 624 acres, the impressive landscape serves as a tribute to the service and sacrifice of every individual laid to rest in these hallowed grounds.

The rolling green hills are dotted with trees that are hundreds of years in age.

The rolling green hills are dotted with trees that are hundreds of years in age.

Various emblems can be found on the gates at Arlington National Cemetery.

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier stands atop a hill overlooking Washington, D.C.

Arlington National Cemetery is both a national treasure and an active cemetery.

The Memorial Amphitheater was dedicated on May 15, 1920.

Arlington National Cemetery is the final resting place for more than 400,000 active duty service members, veterans and their families.  It encapsulates America’s history through monuments, memorials and dedicated trees commemorating individuals and significant events.  For more information, please visit this site.

Next week, we will explore the FDR Memorial.


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