Crafted Living

Crafty Decorating: Window Treatments

Living in an older home provides many challenges especially in the decorating arena.  Window treatments can be particularly tricky because the one size fits all box store look often isn’t the right fit for homes with character and charm.  I was thrilled when I saw this DIY project in Martha Stewart Living and thought it would be the perfect solution for our east facing windows in our master bedroom.

Master Bedroom window treatment

In the article, MSL suggests that you choose striped fabric, which makes cutting and sewing a breeze for this project.  I purchased quilted fabric from the FIDM Scholarship Store because it achieved the same result, it was the right color and provided some black out from the rising sun.  The genius behind this project is that with a tension rod at the top and bottom of the panel, you are able to adjust the panel to your liking.  I covered three windows for under $25 and still had plenty of fabric left over.  Fabulous!  What did I do with the extra fabric?  Come back next week to see.


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